Saturday, July 9, 2011

May The Stork Visit You Soon

Whether you've just started trying for a baby or have been at it for a while, keep these simple things in mind to increase your chances of conceiving.

- Have sex regularly. While it may seem like the most obvious thing to do, given the hectic schedules that most people follow, sex doesn't become a priority. Fertility specialists recommend sex daily especially if you're not timing your cycles or you have irregular periods.

- Find out when you ovulate. Women with regular 28-day menstrual cycles can count 14 days from the first day of their period to determine their ovulation date. If your cycles aren't regular use an ovulation kit to help you discover when you're at your fertile best. A woman with a 28-day cycle should start testing her urine on day nine or ten after the start of her period.

- Experts say that making love a day before you ovulate is better. An egg survives for only 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, so if you begin to ovulate in the morning and wait until night to have sex, the egg may lose its viability by the time the sperm gets to it. Alsom, cervical mucus becomes thick and impenetrable after ovulation, making it difficult for the sperm to do its job. As soon as you get a hormonal surge, have sex the same day and for the next two days. Pregnancy rates are high two days before ovulation. Sperm can live inside the uterus for 24 to 48 hours, which means there will be plenty on hand to greet the egg once ovulation starts.

- Don't make getting pregnant seem like a chore. Most couples lose interest when there isn't any fun involved. Add some innovation and give it time. Most couples get pregnant within six months to a year of trying.


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